Setting CAD Tool Preferences

Each collaborative product has its own set of preferences.

Before you begin:

Select the CAD tool for which you want to set preferences.

  1. Click the required CAD tool tab.
  2. Define the default values for Checkin:

    Delete Local Files Sets the default state of this check box on the Checkin dialog. If checked, then local files are deleted after checkin. If the Retain Lock option is enabled, then you cannot enable the Delete Local Files option.
    Retain LockSets the default state of this check box on the Checkin dialog. If checked, then files remain locked after checkin. You cannot retain lock on CAD objects if the delete local files options is enabled.
    Copy Relationship AttributesIf checked, then relationship attributes are copied during checkin.
    Create IterationSets the default state of this check box on the Checkin dialog. If checked, then a new iteration is created for the file for each checkin.
    Apply to ChildrenIf checked, then the derived output and folder assignment selected for an assembly will also be applied to children of that assembly. For example, if you select an assembly and are generating derived output, derived output for the assembly's children will also be created.
    Background CheckinSets the default state of this check box on the Checkin dialog. If checked, then checkins happen in the background and you can continue working.
    Delete Files BehaviorChoose one of these options for the checkin:
    • Delete Selected Local Files--Only the files selected for checkin in the Checkin page are deleted.
    • Delete All Files--All the files listed in the Checkin page, whether or not selected for checkin, are deleted. Files with NEW or Modified status will not be deleted unless explicitly selected. Files with EXISTS status are deleted.
    BackgroundCheckinDirectoryBrowse and select the location in which X-CAD Design Management will save the log files created during background checkin. These files contain success and failure messages.
    Note: This button does not work. You must enter the path manually.
    Pre-Checkin Evaluation If checked, X-CAD Design Management evaluates the selected designs prior to checkin to determine in any constraints could prevent successful checkin.
    Auto Generation For Manual Derived OutputIf checked, X-CAD Design Management automatically generates derived output if you selected Manual for a format, but a file in that format does not exist in the required location.

  3. Define the default values for Checkout (your defaults will be used when you select Quick Checkout from any page):

    Lock Objects If checked, then the Lock All option is automatically selected in the Checkout dialog box. If clear, then the Lock None option is automatically selected in the Checkout dialog box.
    Local CheckoutIf checked, files will be checked out to your local computer. If clear, Hardlinks will be created.
    Select First Level ChildrenIf checked, the first-level children (but no additional levels) will also be checked out.
    Select Required ChildrenIf checked, any required child objects will be checked out in addition to the selected object. If clear, no child objects will be checked out, unless Select First Level Children is checked.
    Apply View to Children OnlyIf checked, the lateral/vertical view applies only to the child nodes and not to the root nodes.
    Copy Relationship AttributesIf checked, then relationship attributes are copied during checkout.
    Warn for File Overwrite If checked, a warning message displays if files will be overwritten during checkout. You can then choose to cancel the operation or overwrite the files.
    User Directory Alias Mode

    If using CATIA's DLNames feature, you can create aliases for your directory path. Choose one of these options:

    • Allowed
    • Not Allowed
    • Current
    Default Checkout/Download DirectoryClick to browse and set the default location for storing files checked out to your machine.
    Note: This button does not work. You must enter the path manually.
    Pre Checkout EvaluationIf checked, the selected designs is evaluated prior to checkout to determine if any constraints could prevent successful checkout.
    Implicitly Include Unrequired Children

    You can decide the items you want in the structure using the Implicitly Include Unrequired Children attribute in the Preferences page.

    If you don't want to include node with Must In Structure = False and its children for download operation, deselect the Implicitly Include Unrequired Children in the Preferences page. This will stop the expansion of the nodes with Must In Structure = False and these nodes will not be included in the structure for download. To include these nodes, you have to manually select them in the structure. Only the required children in the structure with Must In Structure = False are selected automatically. If the node is shared in the structure and is selected for a particular node, it will be included for download structure even if Must In Structure = False for node

    You can decide the items you want in the structure using the Implicitly Include Unrequired Children attribute in the Preferences page.

  4. Set Miscellaneous preferences:

    Preference Name Description
    Select Children if Parent is Selected Select to automatically select the child objects when a parent object is selected.
    Use Zip in File OperationsWhen selected, communication packets between Integration Exchange Framework Client (IEC) and X-CAD Design Management server.
    Use Zip in CAD File Operations When selected, the files are compressed while checking in or checking out from X-CAD Design management. You need to unzip the files prior to using them in the CAD tool.
    Progressive Loading Select to enable progressive loading for Checkout and Promote operations.
    Allow Promote Floating Drawing If the Allow Promote Floating Drawing option is not selected in the Preferences page, you cannot promote a structure with a drawing that is out of sync. To promote, check out the structure with latest Iteration to get latest structure in CAD tool.
    Default Expand LevelSelect to automatically expand the number of levels when retrieving and displaying the Checkin, Checkout, and Promote pages. Default=1.
    Default Bookmark Click to select a bookmark. The selected bookmark is for the Quick Checkout options (where you cannot select a destination folder for the checkout) as well as the default for pages such as Checkin, SaveAs, Preferences, Start Design, and the Create Design Template dialog box.
    Related View Registry Select the name of the registry from the list. The names of all MCADInteg-CheckoutViewProgramRegistry objects display in the list. See the X-CAD Design Management's Administrator's Guide for details.
    Related DocumentsSelect an available view from the list:
    • None--No additional files will be checked out.

      Related Drawing--Drawing files related to the selected file will be checked out.

    Document IterationSelect which revision/iteration to check out from the pull-down list:
    • Option Description
      As Built

      This view shows the physically connected structure. It is used to display all the objects that are connected at the time of check in. This view works within the same revision of all items in the given structure. Thus, it displays the latest iteration within the selected revision. Check in and modification by all users results in As-Built view.

      Latest Revision This view displays the latest revision for all the items in the given structure irrespective of the maturity state. This will work across revisions only.
      Latest In Work Revision To display all the objects in the latest In Work state.
      Latest Frozen Revision To display the latest frozen revision of the selected nodes and its underlying structure. If no revision in or beyond Frozen state is found for a particular node, then the node retrieved by applying the As-Built view to the parent node is displayed.
      Latest Released Revision To display the latest released revision of the selected nodes and its underlying structure. If no released revision is found for a particular node, then the node retrieved by applying the As-Built view to the parent node is displayed.
    Object Attribute Transfer For EBOM You can use this option to set selective object attribute transfers from CAD Model to Part during EBOM.
    Relationship Attribute Transfer For EBOM You can use this option to set selective relationship attribute transfers from CAD Model to Part during EBOM

  5. To set Derived Output preferences, select the check box for each format you want to be automatically selected when the user clicks for a node from the checkin page. You can individually check formats for any of these types of checkin:

    • Automatic Mode
    • Manual Mode
    • Background Mode

    See Downloading Derived Output.

  6. Select a default policy for CAD objects from the Default Type Policy Settings drop-down list. The administrator can enforce/default a policy for a particular Type.
  7. In the Selected Default Tables section, choose a table for any of the listed pages from the drop-down list of workspace tables.
  8. Click Update to apply this set of preferences for the selected connector app.