Creating a CAD Structure from an EBOM

You can use an existing EBOM structure to create a parallel CAD structure from the Part Specification page of Engineering BOM Management.

Before you begin:
  • Search for the object you want to use to create an EBOM.
  1. From the Search Results page, click the name of the EC object.
  2. Click Specs & Documents > Specifications.
  3. From the page toolbar, click > Create CAD Structure.
    The Create CAD Structure page appears
  4. Choose values for the following options:

    Integration Name Choose the product you want to use to create the CAD structure. A list of connector apps appears.
    Assembly TemplateChoose a template for the assembly for creating the new CAD Model object.
    Component TemplateChoose a template for the component for creating the new CAD Model object.

  5. Click Done.

    If the value of the attribute IEF-EBOMSynch-PartMatchRule is set to MATCH_CADMODEL_REV, the CAD Models are created with the same revision as the selected Part.

    Note: If the value of the attribute IEF-EBOMSynch-PartMatchRule is set to MATCH_CADMODEL_REV by the administrator in the object of type MCAD-EBOMSyncConfig, then the administrator also needs to ensure that the policy used by the CAD models and the policy used the engineering parts have matching revision sequences.

The design is created and the latest file is present with the revision object and the latest iteration object.

If a Part has child objects, the CAD model is created using the assembly template. If the part has no structure underneath it, then the CAD model is created using the component template.

The new CAD Models have the same name as the related Part object, and are connected to the Part object using the Part Specification relationship.

Attributes from the Part object are copied to CAD Model object if appropriate mappings have been done in the GCO in attribute IEF-PartCADObjectAttrMapping.

Attributes from the EBOM relationship are copied to the CAD SubComponent relationship if appropriate mappings have been done in the GCO in attribute IEF-PartCADRelAttrMapping.

If a part is already connected to a CAD Model with the Part Specification relationship, then the same model is used in the new structure, provided that the CAD type of the resulting model and the CAD type of the existing model match.

For Parts that do not have related specifications, new CAD Model objects are created based on the selected template objects.