Configuring Device Identification Submission

You can configure properties required to set up Device Identification for regulatory submissions. See Properties for Device Identification Submission.

  1. Create or open the text file for customized properties. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.
  2. To provide header information that need to be sent to GUDID, follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:


      Change the header information as per the GUDID changes.

  3. To provide the property to identify the submission authority for different countries, follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:

      DEID.Submission_Authority.USA = FDA

    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.
  4. To provide the waiting time in milli seconds for the request when submission is sent to AS2 gateway, follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:

       DEID.Submission.Request.Timeout = 100000

    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.
  5. To provide the characters that are not supported by ENOVIA for file checkin operation, follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:


    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.
  6. To provide the classifications that are allowed for submission to authority, follow these steps:
    1. Add or edit this line in the file used to import properties into a page object:

       DEID.DeviceIdentification.AllowedClassification=Class III, Class II, Class I

    2. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.
  7. When you are finished updating the text file with all properties that you want to modify, use the text file to modify the emxDEID.propertiespage object. For more information, see Editing Properties Using MQL.