When you create a device identification object, it is created in the draft state. In this state, you can clone, transfer, modify, or delete the device identification object, create summary report, and promote the device identification object to the review state.
In this state, you can clone, transfer, modify, or delete the device identification object, create summary report, and promote the device identification object to the Approved state. However, to promote the device identification object to the approved state, you must provide information in all the mandatory fields in the Device Information page, Device Status page, and the Device Characteristics page.
In this state, you can clone the device identification object and create summary report. A regulatory lead can submit the device identification object to the regulatory authority.
A device identification object moved to this state after it is submitted to the regulatory authority. In this state, you can demote the device identification object to the approved state.
When the acknowledgment received from the regulatory authority indicates that the submission is successful, the device identification object is moved to this state.
When the new DI revision is published, the previous DI revision moves to this state.