
The Contraindications tab lists the details related to treatment or procedure, which is not advised. Thecontradication has two types as Relative and Absolute. The absolute contradications, which describes about the reasonable circusstances to use the procedure or treatment. Whereas relative contradications, which describes the high risk circumstances in the procedure or treatment.

Required Access Roles:

  • App-specific: Product Manager
  • Baseline: Leader

To access this page:

  • View the Device Status page. For more information, see Device Status.
  • From the page, click the Contraindications tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Properties of a Contraindication


Column Name Description
Name The name of the contraindication.
State The current state of the contraindication.
Title The title of the contraindication.
Description The description of the contraindication.
Contraindication Type The type of the object. The values are for the type:
  • Absolute
  • Relative
Owner The person responsible for the contraindication.

Actions and Toolbar Commands

Action Description
Edit Lets you edit the details of the selected contraindication.
Delete Lets you delete the selected contraindication.
Note: You cannot delete the contraindication that is in the Released state.
Insert new row Lets you insert the rows above or below of the selected row.
Note: This option is enabled in the Edit mode. When you enter the row, add the details in the related columns and the contraindication is created with the added details.For more information, see Creating a Contraindication.
Remove inserted row(s) Lets you remove the inserted rows.