Importing Data from Excel

You can import data stored in excel sheets as product data.

Important: This app uses person email id to notify, after the data for DEID is imported. This is personal data, which should be managed with good personal data treatment practices.

Before you begin:
  • You must be a user with the Business Manager role and also have a GLR license assigned.
  • Your excel file must contain data that is formatted based on the xml mapping file. For more information, see Import Excel data as Product Data.
  1. In the Device Identification tab, from the page tool bar, click Actions > Import Data.
    A form appears.
  2. Click the Browse button and choose the excel file to import.
  3. Type the email ids of users, to whom the import status message is to be sent.

    The email ids must be separated by a comma.

  4. Click Done.
    A message appears stating that the data import is in process and once it is complete, the email id users receives a mail with the log file.

    If the import succeeds, the mail says that the import is successful and you can check the log for the information. If the import fails, the mail says that the import has failed and you can check the log for details, correct the errors, and import it again.

    If import is partially failed, the mail says that the import is successful with few failures. You can refer the attached excel in the mail for the failed data. You have to correct the data, rename the sheet names as per the admin xml, and import it again. Each excel sheet contains an extra column for errors for each row.