First Name | The person's first name. Click to view the person's Properties page. See Properties for a Contact. |
Last Name | The person's last name. |
Type | The type of person: Reviewer |
Salutation | The formal salutation when addressing the person. |
Title | The person's job title. |
Business or Agency | The company or regulatory authority where this person works. |
Expertise | The person's technical expertise. |
Email Address | The person's email address. |
Mobile Number | The person's cell or mobile phone number. |
Telephone Number | The person's home number. |
Fax Number | The person's fax machine number. |
Street Address | The person's mailing address. |
City | The city in the per's mailing address. |
State | The state in the person's mailing address. |
Zip | The ZIP code or other postal code in the person's mailing address. |
Country | The country in the person's mailing address. |