Regulatory Information Properties Page

The Regulatory Information page lists details relevant to the regulatory aspects of the submission project.

Required access roles: Submission Lead on the submission project with Regulatory Lead or Regulatory User role, or submission project owner

To access this page:

  1. Open the required submission project. .
  2. In the navigation pane, click Regulatory Information.
  3. Click the Regulatory Information page tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


SectionField NameDescription
TitleA descriptive title for the submission.
Registration FeeThe fee paid to the regulatory authority for processing the submission.
Current PhaseThe current Schedule phase of the submission. Click to open the Schedule page for the phase.
Next MilestoneThe name of the next milestone that has a defined Milestone Purpose. Click to open the Schedule page for the milestone.
Authority Application NumberThe application number assigned when the regulatory authority receives the dossier. This number should be used on all subsequent correspondence.
Publishing File FormatThe file format required by the regulatory authority:
  • eCopy: The electronic submission is an exact duplicate of the paper-based submission. (You must select this format to see the Publishing category for a submission.)
  • eCTD: The electronic submission content is based on the Common Technical Document (CTD) format.
  • NeeS: The electronic submission is in a non-eCTD format.
  • Paper-based: The submission is paper-based.
Regulatory Activity CategoryThe dossier defined for this submission.
Regulatory Activity Sub CategoryThe subcategory for the activity category.
Follows Leading CountryIndicates whether the countries associated with this submission project follow the regulatory lead of another country.

Possible ValueDescription
As DefinedThe defined leading/following countries relationship is used, and the Leading Country field shows the name of the lead country.
Not RequiredAny defined leading/following countries relationship is not used, and the Leading country field is blank and cannot be edited.
With DeviationThe normal leading/following countries relationship is not used, but the country for the context submission will follow another country. The Regulatory Lead must select a leading country.

Leading CountryThe country that all of the countries associated with the submission project follow for regulatory affairs.
Group Products Under One MA

Only shows when the Regulatory Activity Category is Initial Submission.

Specifies whether a market authorization covers multiple products per country when it is created:

Value Description
Yes A single market authorization is created to cover multiple products per country.
No A market authorization is created for each product per country.

This field takes its value from the submission template's equivalent field when the submission is created. If the submission was not created from a template, the default value is No. This value can be edited by the Regulatory Lead when the submission is in the Draft state.

Note: If this value is set to No, a separate market authorization is created for each product per country. Additional products can be added to any of these market authorizations after they are released. Therefore, this value does not necessarily mean that the market authorizations can only ever cover one product per country, just that they did at the time they were created.
Reason for ChangeOnly shows if the submission is beyond the Draft state.

Justification for changes made to the regulatory information for a submission after it is started.

StatusDossier SubmittedThe type of submission evaluation:
  • Evaluation
  • Consensus Achieved
  • Referral
  • Appeal

Regulatory Request Responders take this dossier evaluation type into consideration when preparing documents.

ResultThe overall result of the submission. This column is blank until the results are entered.

How the regulatory authority ruled on the submission:

  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Withdrawn

Lead SubmissionThe name of the submission that groups multiple submissions (including this one) for various regulatory activities. Click to view the Properties page for that submission.
Submission Master RecordThe name of the submission master record associated with this submission project. Click to open its default page.
Source RequestA hyperlink to the regulatory request from which the submission was created.

This section shows only if the submission is on hold or was cancelled.

DateIf the submission was cancelled, the date it was cancelled.
TypeThe type of cancellation:
  • Cancelled
  • Not Submitted
  • Withdrawn
ReasonExplanation of why the submission was cancelled.
MilestonesList of all milestones that have a milestone purpose defined.
NotesAny notes entered for this submission project.
Contract NumberOnly shows if the submission master record is Restricted.

The contract number of the restricted authorization.

Restricted Authorization Request DateOnly shows if the submission type is Restricted.

The date that the regulatory authority grants restricted authorization.

Wave ReferenceOnly shows if the submission type is Initial Submission.

The wave reference for a submission that uses the Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP).

If you derive a submission project from this one, you need to manually edit this value.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

ActionDescriptionFor More Information
Edit Edits many of the properties on this page.

You can edit these properties until the Market Authorization milestone is complete. If the submission is beyond the Draft state, you must add a justification for your edits.

Editing Regulatory Information for a Submission