0x00000111: Translation is not available. |
The translation is not available. |
0x00000211: Translation is not available. |
The translation is not available. |
0x00000311: Cannot find User identity. Try logging in
again. |
The platform user is unknown. |
Error 0x00000411: No security context selected by default. Please
contact your administrator. |
The security context was not found. |
Error 0x00000511: Cannot connect to the database. Please contact
your administrator. |
The database access has failed. |
Error 0x00000611: Cannot find the collaborative space. Please
contact your administrator. |
The collaborative space title is unknown. |
Error 0x00000711: Cannot find the collaborative space. Please
contact your administrator. |
The collaborative space session was not found. |
Error 0x00000811: Cannot list collaborative space content. Please
contact your administrator. |
Listing the collaborative space content has failed. |
Error 0x00000911: Cannot list collaborative space members. Please
contact your administrator. |
Loading the team has failed. |
Error 0x00000A11: Cannot list collaborative space documents.
Please contact your administrator. |
Listing the documents has failed. |
Error 0x00000B11: Cannot add member to the collaborative space.
Please contact your administrator. |
Adding the member to the collaborative space has failed. |
Error 0x00000C11: Cannot list collaborative space members. Please
contact your administrator. |
Listing the collaborative space members has failed. |
Error 0x00000D11: Cannot connect to the database. Please contact
your administrator. |
Retrieving the session has failed. |
Error 0x00000E11: Cannot connect to the database. Please contact
your administrator. |
The leanget store was not found. |
Error 0x00000F11: Cannot connect to the database. Please contact
your administrator. |
Listing all sessions has failed. |
Error 0x00001011: Cannot connect to the database. Please contact
your administrator. |
The session creation has failed. |
Error 0x00001111: Cannot create private Team collaborative space.
Please contact your administrator. |
The private Team collaborative space could not be created. |
Error 0x00001211: Cannot create private Team collaborative space.
Please contact your administrator. |
It is impossible to compute the collaborative space name. |
Error 0x00001311: No security context for this Lean Board. Please
contact your administrator. |
There is no security context with VPLMCreator or
VPLMProjectLeader for this Lean Board. |
Error 0x00001411: Cannot download document from collaborative
space. Please contact your administrator. |
Downloading the file document has failed. |
Error 0x00001611: Cannot authenticate to 3DSpace service. Please
contact your administrator |
It is impossible to retrieve
Error 0x00001711: Cannot create user group. Please contact your
administrator |
It is impossible to create the user group. |
Error 0x00001811: Cannot find Lean Board |
It is impossible to select the session from the home view |
Error 0x00001911: Cannot find Lean Board or no access granted to
create Lean Board. |
No session is selected, or the user is not a Leader: it is
impossible to load or create the session. |
Error 0x00001A11: Cannot connect to the database. Please contact
your administrator. |
No session Physical ID and/or owner: it is impossible to finish
the session creation. |
Error 0x00001B11: User connection conflict, reload
required. |
User connection conflict, the user connected on the server side is
not the user connected on the web browser side: he should/needs to relog. |