Run the Manage Collections for Track
command in the Simulation section of the action bar.
Manage Collections for Track panel
appears. The panel includes:
- Commands: you can
create or delete a collection using the
add and delete
- Columns:
Collection and Type of
- Types of Track
- Moving: Collection consists
only moving objects
- Context: Collection consists
only context objects
- None: Collection is empty (it
is impossible to define a type)
Invalid: Collection consists of
both moving and context objects
Click add in the panel.
List of Items panel appears. Add
objects to the list by selecting objects in the tree or the 3D viewer.
The panel includes:
- List
Name: where you provide the name of the
- Selected
Objects: shows the selected object in the 3D
viewer and a list view of the product names in the
Click OK to create the list.
The list appears in the Manage Collections for
Track panel.
A Track collection is now created and multiple minimum distances can be specify for the
moving objects in the Track.