Simulate the Operations and Systems

In this step, you will simulate a selected operation and system using the Product Build-Up options panel.

Click Play to watch the video:

  1. In the tree, select an operation.
  2. In the Compass, click Play to simulate the operation.
  3. At the right edge of the work area, click Product Build-Up options to display the Product Build-Up options panel.
    In the Advanced Options section of the Product Build-Up options panel, Next/Previous Step: Operation is automatically selected.

    The product build-up colors are displayed.

  4. In the Experience Player, click Step Forward to display the next operation.
    The current operation is colored yellow and the previous operations are colored blue.
  5. In the Product Build-Up options panel, click Next/Previous Step: System to simulate the systems.
  6. In the tree, select General System A.
    The result of the General System A is displayed.
  7. In the Experience Player, click Step Forward to display the result of the next systems.
    The current system is colored yellow and the previous systems are colored blue.
  8. In the tree, select the root General system and click Play to simulate all the systems.
  9. To exit the simulation, in the Compass, click Play.