Contact/Tangent Lines and Bending Angle in Profile Fabrication Sketch

This provides information of tangent lines and bending angle in the profile fabrication sketch and in the XML file.

With this;

  1. Tangent lines get created at the common edge between adjoining cells of the profile if and only if;
    1. The cells have rules.
    2. The cells connect with G0 or G1 continuity.
  2. Tangent line holds 3 parameters: Radius, Angle, and Orientation.

Tangent lines compute on the Web Inner-surface of the Profile.

Generation of Tangent Lines on flattened multisurfaced Profile:

  • All faces are flat: In this case tangent lines are generated only between the faces who is Normals are not parallel. So, one tangent line generates for the below case.

    The above Stiffener Angle value is below.

    1 - Angle, 2 - Flattened Profile, 3 - Curved Profile

    Orientation of Tangent Line

    • Orientation of Tangent Line is given in terms of This Side or Other Side.
    • This Side means that the Profile is bent toward the Marking face.
    • Other Side means that the Profile is bent Opposite to the Marking face.
    • For above Stiffener, it is bent in Opposite direction of the Marking face so the Orientation of Tangent Line created at that point is the Other Side.

  • Fillet Case: In this case, the tangent line gets generated at the common edges.

    Uses the lateral edges between the tangent lines for computation of parameters.

    • Tangent line tab displays under Bent Profile Item type for Manufactured part of Rolled Profile.
    • It shows Tangent lines with the parameters.

    • Annotation text for Tangent line contains Name of Tangent line, Radius, Angle, Orientation.
      • Name of the Tangent line is retrieved from the value given in ‘TangentLineAnnotationName’ in DELStrMfgTangentLine.CATNls’ file.
      • Text = [Value given in TangentLineAnnotationName through Nls], [radius], [angle], [orientation]

    Tangent Line information in Profile XML.