About New Panel Model Support in Part Planning

Driven by the Heavy Industry Manufacturing Basics app, a panel model removes the duplication of information and treats a split plate as a single plate.

A panel that consists of four split plates:

Using Generate MBOM in the Authoring Section - Primary Area, Heavy Industry Manufacturing Basics app to plan the new panels.

This displays the result of MBOM planning. The new panel becomes manufacturing assembly, and each split plate becomes a manufactured part as default by using Part Planning.

You can use the MBOM planning in various ways. For example: The four split plates (below) are divided into two assemblies. An implemented link connects the split plate and the manufactured parts regardless of manufactured part location.

This panel may or may not have a corresponding assembly depending on the result of the MBOM planning. However, the Structure Fabrication app instantiates the new panel design product under the common father of manufactured parts. This makes it easy to find the design product as the panel instantiation is a requirement for supporting revision cases as well.

In addition, a curved panel case is similar to the flat panel case.

The difference being a flattened IPM it is no longer an orphan but is an attachment under a normal IPM.

Here is the location of a flattened IPM's manufactured part:

Within the panel, in Structure Design, weld objects are generated as well as the intersection between split plates. Structure Fabrication generates the weld feature by using the Update IPM, Weld Object in Part Planning dialog box options.