Managing the Features of Flat Profiles

You can change manufacturing start/end and add margins and edge preparation on the web and flange independently.

This task shows you how to:

Change Manufacturing Start/End

You can change the manufacturing start/end of profile. All the related features, such as end cut, margin edge preparation, and openings recalculate and reflect in the drawing and XML.

Click Play to watch the video:

  1. In the tree, select a profile manufactured part.
  2. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Edit Features .
    By default, start is the design start.
  3. In the tree, select a profile manufactured part and click Extract Workshop Documents .
    The Workshop Document Extraction panel appears, and lists the functional process for the selected profile manufactured part as well as the workshop documents that can be extracted from it.
  4. Click OK to generate the profile fabrication sketch and XML.
  5. In the tree, select a profile manufactured part and click Open Workshop Document .

    The Open Workshop Documents panel appears, and lists the documents that have been extracted for the selected part.

  6. Select a fab sketch in the list and click OK.
    The fab sketch opens in a new window. Review the sketch.
  7. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 then change the Location from Start to End.
    The location of BSU changes.
  8. Complete Steps 3-6 and confirm the difference between Start and End.

Add Margins and Edge Preparation on Web and Flange Independently

You can add features on the web and flange independently.

Click Play to watch the video:

  1. In the tree, select a manufactured part.
  2. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Edit Features
  3. Select the Added Material tab.
  4. Click the value of the Size column of Start web and select an added material size from the list.
  5. Select the Fit-up tab.
  6. Click the value of the Size column of the Start flange and select a fit-up size from the list.
  7. Select the Edge Preparation tab.
  8. Click the type in the EdgePrep column of Start web and select type from the list.