Getting Started

You can open Factory Resource Management with existing factory content or create new content.

This task shows you how to:

Open an Existing Factory

You can open content you have already created with factory data.

  1. From the south quadrant of the compass, select Factory Resource Management, and then Load Existing.

  2. Chose Recent Production Plans, Production Plans, or Factory Resources, select the item, then click Load .
    The details of the factory appear. These include:
    • Attributes
    • Child Resources
    • Resource Reference
    • Documents
    • Execution Resources
    • Execution Production Plan

You can also search for your factory using the search bar at the top of the dashboard, and drop the result on the landing page.

Create a New Factory

You can a new factory within your app.

  1. From the south quadrant of the compass, select Factory Resource Management, and then Create New.

  2. In the dialog box, give the factory a name.

The app provides you with sections to enter details about the factory.