Manually Creating Machining Steps

You can manually create one or more machining steps under a Transform manufactured item. Machining steps let you define a volume of material to remove.

See Also
Automatically Creating Machining Steps
  1. From the Authoring section of the action bar, select Machining Step Countersink to create a countersink machining step.
  2. In the tree, select a Transform manufactured item.
    The machining step is created under the Transform manufactured item.
  3. Depending on the machining step selected, select one of the following:
    • A hole, for any selected step
    • A planar surface, for a Slab step
      Tip: To select the surface directly on the object, open the 3D View and select the surface. For more information, see Common Services for Manufacturing Planning Apps User's Guide: 3D View: About the 3D View.

    • One or more bodies, for a Generic step
    • A circular edge, for an Axial step.
      Note: If more than one hole or face is selected, an error message appears.
  4. In the Machining Step Definition dialog box, click Next to define the machining step attributes.

  5. When all attributes are specified, click Finish to finish the machining step creation.

    Note: Click Cancel to cancel the machining step creation.

  6. You can edit an existing Machining Steps: from the context menu of the PPR Tree, click Edit Machining Step.