Reconnecting or Resolving an Inconsistent Item-Product Scope

You can reconnect an inconsistent Item-Product scope link between a manufactured product and a manufactured item.

Before you begin: Open your content, which must have product and manufacturing assembly structures with an inconsistent Item-Product scope between the root manufactured item and the root product.
Note: Types of inconsistent Item-Product scopes:
  • Broken scope: when you did not load the scoped product in the session or you removed it from the tree.
  • Resolved scope: when you reconnected a scope, but it has a related implement link that refers to a reference product and not a scoped product.
  1. In the Authoring section of the action bar, click Manage Inconsistent Manufactured Item-Product Scopes.
    The Manage Inconsistent Manufactured Item-Product Scopes panel appears and lists the manufactured products with inconsistent Item-Product scopes. The panel displays the following columns, menu items, and commands:
    • Columns:
      • Product: the product that the manufactured item or a candidate of the manufactured item implements.
      • Implement Status: status of the implement link. The status can either be Linked or Candidate. Linked is when the product is linked to the manufactured item. Candidate is when the product is a candidate to be linked to the manufactured item.
      • Current Manufactured Item: the manufactured item implementing the product.
      • Proposed Manufactured Item: the manufactured item reference proposed by the business logic.
      • Suggestion to Perform: the action suggested by the business logic. The following actions are available:
        • Replace by New Revision: creates a new revision of the manufactured item and replaces the manufactured item with the new instance.
        • Replace by New: duplicates the manufactured item and replaces the manufactured item with the new instance.
        • Replace by Existing: replaces the manufactured item with the manufactured item proposed by the business logic.
        • Reroute Only: reroutes the manufactured item scope link on the product. Nothing replaces the manufactured item in this case.
        • Ignore: the system does nothing for this manufactured item.
        • Replace by New Branch: creates a new branch of the item and replaces the manufactured item with the new instance.
    • Menu items:

      If you right-click a manufactured item in the list, a menu appears with a list of choices. These choices include the Reroute Only, Replace by New Revision, Replace by New Branch, Replace by New, and Ignore actions available in the Suggestion to Perform column. They also include the following additional commands:

      • Customize Attributes: lets you choose which attributes appear.
      • Hide Column: lets you hide columns.
      • Filter Column: lets you choose which columns appear.
      • Center Tree on Product: centers the tree on the implemented or candidate product.

    • Commands in the upper-right corner:
      • Freeze Manufactured Item selection: freezes the selected items in the panel so selections made in the tree or tiles do not affect the selected items in the panel.
      • Edit Filters: shows the column filter manager.
      • Edit Attributes: shows the column attributes manager.
      • Perform action on selected lines: performs the actions listed for all selected items in the Suggestion to Perform column.
  2. Click the command listed under Suggestion to Perform.

    After clicking the suggested action listed in the panel, the action performs.

    Note: The business logic automatically suggests an action, but you can choose a different action than the action suggested. To do so, right-click the item in the list and choose a different action among the list below. The only command that you cannot override the suggested action with is Replace by Existing.

  3. Click Perform action on selected lines.
    The panel updates.
    • If there are remaining inconsistent scopes, this message appears: Some inconsistent Manufactured Item-Product scopes are remaining.
    • If there are no inconsistent scopes remaining, this message appears:No more inconsistent Manufactured Item-Product scopes.

You have reconnected or resolved the inconsistent scopes.