Display contains the following options:
- List
- This is the default display and shows the percentage scores as a list. Both the List view
and the Chart view contain the following elements:
- All DOF's Result: Global Score represents the total score of the posture for all the segments combined.
- Current DOF Result: Current Score gives the average score of all the
items displayed in the list.
- Selected Result: Selected Score represents the score of the posture
for all selected items on the list.
- Favorites: This is customizable, this displays preferred angles that always display even
if no editing. By default a segment with a preferred angle displays
even if it is not in the Favorites list. Customize by specifying
Customizing Preferences. The first Display field lists the available
- Others: Lists the others.
- Chart
- The Chart allows you to view the percentage scores in a chart.
The Chart view also contains the same basic elements as in the List display.
Hand Filter
Hand Filter contains the following options:
- Whole hand
- The
Whole Hand option, which is the default,
allows you to regroup each part of the fingers into a global element.
- Separate Fingers
- Use the
Separate Fingers option to see and score
each finger individually.