Posture Editor Dialog Box

This tool used to move manikin segments in forward kinematics. The segments or degrees of freedom (DOF) moves one step at a time. You can give a precise value to each degree of freedom of every joint.

To access the dialog box, select Posture Editor from the context toolbar. The manikin's structure consists of 68 articulated joints with 6 coupled joints. The range of motion can depend on the position of a neighbor joint.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:


This is a list of human body segments corresponding to the selection made in the part menu. Select the name of the segment in the list to select it. The Arm is selected.

Segment selections are: Arm, Clavicular, Foot, Forearm, Full Spine (Lumbar+Thoracic), Head, Leg, Line of Sight, Lumbar.

Hand Filter

Hand Filter
Selecting the Hand Only option, only the hand is available in the Segments multilist. Selecting the Hand and Fingers option, all the fingers are also available in the Segments multilist.


When you edit certain segments such as the arm, you can choose which side you want to work with: Left or Right. Left is the default option when the dialog box opens.

Degrees of Freedom

Degrees of Freedom

From the Degree of Freedom list, you can choose from three types of DOFs:

  • Flexion/extension
  • Abduction/adduction
  • Medial rotation/lateral rotation

When the Posture Editor dialog box opens, the Degree of Freedom field in the dialog box is grayed out, and has DOF0 as its field value. This changes to the default value flexion / extension only when one of the segments selects.

A segment can have up to three DOFs. Examples of possible segment DOFs are: The forearm has two DOFs: flexion/extension and pronation/supination The arm has three DOFs: flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, medial rotation/lateral rotation

Each of the DOF types, flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and medial rotation/lateral rotation, also have specific movement types. These are:

DOF Movement Type Axis








eversion, ulnar deviation, elevation

inversion, radial deviation,depression


medial rotation

lateral rotation




1 Longitudinal axis

2 Sagittal axis

3 Transversal axis


Use the Value functionality to assign a precise posture to a segment. The value of the DOF represents in an angle and in percentage of the total range of motion (%).

Value percentage slider

The percentage (%) slider corresponds to the value in percentage of the total range of motion for the selected DOF. Edit this value directly by sliding the cursor with the left mouse.

Value spinner

Right clicking in the Flexion window allows you to enter a specific value in degrees using the keyboard. You can increment or decrement to segment rotation one unit at a time using the small arrows at the right end of this field. You can also change the step by using the spinner's context menu. Selections are Change step, Measure Between, and Measure item.


The motion field corresponds to the direction of movement, 0 degrees being the neutral point, flexion, or extension.


The range of motion (flexibility, functional limitation) for six pairs of segments on the manikin could couple, that is, conditional to the position of another joint. These segments are: the clavicular, the arms, the forearms, the thighs, the legs, and the ankles.

Coupling modifies the range of motion of these segments only. It has no effect on any relationship that may exist between other body segments.

By default, coupling is inactive

Reset DOF - This resets the degree of freedom.

Note: The current position of referential is honored when Reset DOF is called.


The Display function has two options: Angular Limitations and Animate Viewpoint.

Angular Limitations (chart)

Angular Limitations (chart)

This verifies displays or hides the graphical representation of the angular limitations for each degree of freedom.

Two arrows limit this range of motion, which is specify by default at the 50th percentile of the population.

  • The green arrow that shows the upper limit.
  • The yellow arrow that shows the lower limit.
  • The blue arrow represents the segment's current position.

Animate Viewpoint

This option zooms on the selected segment and changes the viewpoint to provide the best possible view for that degree of freedom. This improves the range of motion chart display and as well as the capability to better manipulate the blue arrow.

Predefined Postures

Predefined Postures

Use the Predefined Postures functionality to assign a predefined posture to the worker. Select the six available postures:

  • Stand Relax.
  • Stand.
  • Sit.
  • Reach.
  • Kneel.
  • Stand Ready.
  • Sit Relax.