Using Swept Volume

You can create a 3D volume created by sweeping the selected products when it moves.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Have a manikin in your scenario.

Using Swept Volume on Manikin Segments

You can create a swept volume for a segment of a manikin.

  1. Click Swept Volume .
  2. Select the manikin.
  3. The Swept Volume dialog box appears with the Selected Segments panel.
  4. From the work area, select the segments required.
    Once selected, each segment appears in the panel.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Joint Angle Manipulation , and move segments accordingly.

  7. When finished, deactivate Swept Volume .

    The message appears: Positions of selected segments have been logged. To generate the swept volume, create or insert a Swept Volume Representation.

  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Top Bar, select Content, Physical Product Structure, VOCSweptVolume.

    The Swept Volume dialog box appears.

  10. Click the Manikin, and the swept volume imports the data into the dialog box.
  11. The newly created swept volume opens in a new tab.

    Note: Either you can save this swept volume, or you can insert the swept volume into the tree.

Importing the Swept Volume

This procedure describes how to bring the Swept Volume into the scenario.

Before you begin: Have the two tabs open one with a manikin in your scenario, and a swept volume.
  1. The Scenario we are using, with two windows open. One has the Product and the other has the Swept Volume.
  2. Right-click 3D Shape text , select Copy.

  3. Right-click the Physical product in the other tab.
    The Swept Volume appears in the work area, and the tree.

Task-Based Swept Volume

Using Swept volume, which is based on tasks.

  1. Click the required task in Behavior.

    Follow the procedures, Using the Swept Volume on Manikin Segments to create the swept volume and Importing the Swept Volume.
  2. Click the previously created Active state (Worker.1State.1) in Simulation States to restore the manikin's segments.

  3. Click the required task in Behavior again.
  4. Click Play.
    The Play is at the center of the Compass. This starts an animated display of results or other content, also known as an experience. The Play dialog box appears. The segments move within the swept volume.

Using Swept Volume in a Collision List

You can use swept volume to detect a clash between two parts as it is much easier to simulate and compute the sweeps and do clash analysis of these sweeps. It is the same as the volume occupied by the manikin during the execution of the program. During simulation the clash detection between a manikin and other entities in the world defines with the Clash. However during simulation the clash is at discreet times (Step Size). You can use the sweep to also see the volume it covers during the simulation.

  1. Click Swept Volume .
    Select one or more segments for which the swept volume computes. The dialog populates with the selected list of segments. Selecting the segment again removes it from the listings in the dialog.
  2. Click OK
    Follow the procedures,Task Based Swept Volume to create the swept volume. The swept volume is generated, displayed, and inserted under a User Defined Resource. The (UDR) calls Analysis Objects and a Product creates for each Resource. Its context, which is usually a station for a Manikin, the first-time Swept Volume creates for any resource under that Resource context. Swept Volumes that creates next for tasks of the same resource adds to the same Product.
  3. Create an attachment between the Swept Volume and the manikin or its attachments so that it moves when the manikin moves. Then activate collision.