Ergonomics Manikin Editor

This focuses on creating detailed digital humans for advanced human factors analysis and global target audience accommodation.

It includes the following capabilities:

  • Based on a best-in-class human modeling system. This has permitted detailed investigations into human-centered design issues in the context of a workplace before it physically exists.
  • In addition to the default manikins, create any human being from any population anywhere in the world. Amend all 103 anthropometric variables on the manikin or manipulate a smaller number of critical variables and ask the Ergonomics Manikin Editor to determine the rest. Altering these variables manually by inputting the required measurements in a percentile value, unit measurement, or by and intuitively click and drag the graphical user interface.
  • Has the capacity to define the mean and standard deviation of all anthropometry variables. Using a unique technique, the Ergonomics Manikin Editor verifies that manikins do exist in the target population. In addition, you can specify the percentage of the accommodating population in the design using the boundary manikin technique.

The Ergonomics app supports design range management.