Attribute Items Creation Management Dialog Box

This creates a manikin attribute in a Library or under a Manikin.

To access the dialog box, select Store Profiles and Settings and follow the steps.

This page discusses:

Attribute Items Creation Management


In a Library

The New Library - creates a New Library.

Last used library - the last used one.

Existing Library - use the search to find the required library.

Under a manikin - saves the attributes with the manikin.

Next - Takes you to the next step

Cancel - Cancels the function.


Which Attribute?

Name - Name of the Attribute

Description - The description if required.

Picture window - Picture of the Manikin with the icons representing this Attribute list.
Clear Attribute Items Selection
This clears the attributes.

Previous, Next, Finish, Cancel

Previous - This goes back to the previous menu.

Next - To the next step.

Finish - Applies the attributes to the Manikin.

Cancel -Cancels the function.