Co-Review for a Manikin

You can share information about a manikin in a context. The eyes panel shows the interactions that you are able to perform, and the targets that it is able to reach. It is important to understand that Co-Review does not support any authoring scenarios. Therefore, Co-Review scenarios limit to viewing, manipulating and demonstrating, and does not include any data creation, or modifications.

Command Result
Edit manikin display The panel is not visible to the observer
Create Reach Envelope Creates the envelope
Delete Reach Envelope Deletes the envelope
Update Human Interaction (Manual Mode)
  • The interaction updates to the observer
  • The distance is also displayed in 3D to the observer in a failure
Using manikin attributes The panel is not visible to the observer
Human Task The Co-Review of human task replay supports, but functions such as authoring are not.

The available commands lists for the leader of the Co-Review session. In all cases, the results of the commands are visible to the observer (as well as to the leader of course).

Note: The observer side only sees the result. For example, the leader drives a certain number of actions, based on the available commands that are available in the Co-Review context. The observer does not see the editing panel, but sees the changes on the manikin.

See 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps, Using Co-Review.