Macro Parameters
The selected
type (Approach or
Retract) defines the tool motion before or after
- Approach: approaches the
machining operation
start point.
- Retract: retracts from the
machining operation
end point.
- Linking Retract/Approach: comprises interruptible
retract and approach motions. Available for Rough, Recess, Ramp Rough, Ramp
Recess, and Groove Turning operations. You can interrupt the
at the end of the number of specified levels for Groove Turning only.
The proposed macro modes are:
- None
- Build by user
- Direct
- Radial-axial
- Axial-radial
is useful to interrupt a machining operation when the foreseeable lifetime of
the insert is not long enough to complete the machining. See Defining Macros.