Macro Parameters

This tab contains controls for:

This page discusses:

Macro Management

The selected macro type (Approach or Retract) defines the tool motion before or after machining:

  • Approach: approaches the machining operation start point.
  • Retract: retracts from the machining operation end point.

Use these to Save , Import , or view Properties .

Current Macro Toolbox


The proposed macro modes are:

  • None
  • Build by user
  • Direct
  • Axial-radial
  • Radial-axial
  • DX-DZ Offset

Various feedrates are available for the approach and retract motions (RAPID, lead-in, lift-off, and so on). Local feedrates is set to either angular units (length per revolution) or linear units (length per minute).


Name: change the name if required.

Comment: add a comment.

When you use a linking macro, Interrupt Options appear in the Options tab of the Current Macro Toolbox.

Interrupt Mode:

  • No: macro is not interrupted.
  • Start of path: interrupts macro at the start of the path where the specified time is reached.
  • End of path: interrupts macro at the end of the path where the specified time is reached.
  • On time: interrupts macro as soon as the specified time is reached.
  • Number of paths: interrupts macro at the end of the number of specified paths.
  • By levels: interrupts macro at the end of the number of specified levels, for Groove Turning operations only. The specified time may correspond to the expected lifetime of the insert. This allows you to interrupt an operation to change a worn insert. This is useful when machining very hard materials.
  • End of first plunge: interrupts macro at the end of first plunge, for Groove Turning operations only.

Time of Interruption: sets the required time.

Number of passes between interruptions: sets the number of passes.

Number of levels between interruptions: sets the number of levels, for Groove Turning operations only.

It is useful to interrupt a machining operation when the foreseeable lifetime of the insert is not long enough to complete the machining. See Defining Macros.