Reuse Programming Options

The Reuse Resources and Reuse Programming dialog boxes appear when you right-click a manufacturing cell and select Reuse Programming. The dialog box options allow you to define a machining context from an existing process.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

Reuse Resources

Depending on the selected options, all or partial Process data are retrieved to build a new process. Some options require others. For example:

  • With Accessories, the Machine option is added automatically.
  • With Programming, the Tools Configuration option is added automatically.
You cannot use the reuse command twice for the same process.

Note: Make sure the axes name of the machine in session match the axes name of the copied machine. Otherwise, the part in session is not properly mounted on the copied machine.

When selected, copies one or more machines from the reference program.
When selected, copies the accessories from the reference program.
When selected, copies the tools from the reference program.

Reuse Programming

Depending on the context, the following options are available:

Part Operations or Programs
Lists all the part operations or machining programs contained in the reference manufacturing cell.
Merge Resulting Programs
Groups the selected programs in one program located at the bottom of the manufacturing cell.
Redefine Geometries
When selected, lets you define new links between the copied operation and the geometry of the part in session.
Keep Link To Program: When selected, this option defines a link between the current and the final processes.

You can view the link with the Impact Analysis command.


If you have geometry links that you have not defined after validation, then a warning panel appears. If you click Yes in this panel, then a link is created and you can complete the definition of geometric links later. You can complete the links with the Complete/Reuse Programming command. If the process is fully complete, then the link is removed.

If you have not completed some operations when you select this option, then a panel appears. This panel states that you have not completely defined the geometric links and that you can define them later since you kept a link to the machining cell template. In this case, completion is possible.

Copy for Opposite Hand Machining
Lets you automatically generate opposite hand programming.
On Part
When Copy for Opposite Hand Machining is selected, On Part lets you place the opposite part by defining the Axis and the Mirror Plane (relative to the reference part).
On Tool Path
When Copy for Opposite Hand Machining is selected, On Tool Path lets you place the opposite part by defining the Mirror Plane exclusively (relative to the reference part).
Copy Tool Path
When selected, copies from the reference program:
  • The geometry.
  • The geometric links between the program and geometry
  • The tool paths of each operation. Copied tool paths are automatically locked.
Note: The copied geometry does not appear in the work area.
Create New Setup Position

When Copy Tool Path or Copy for Opposite Hand Machining is selected, Create New Setup Position creates a new setup in the Part Operation. This new setup references the NC assembly of the selected programs, and applies it to each copied operation. When selected, the NC assembly referenced by the programs selected is instantiated directly in the manufacturing cell. If you do not select it, then the copied NC assemblies are added to the current NC assembly.

Note: If the axis selected is a Work Piece Mount Point, then the NC assembly is mounted on the machine. If the axis selected is not a Work Piece Mount Point, then the NC assembly is only positioned on the machine.

Create Link for Update

When Copy Tool Path is selected, Create Link for Update lets you update the copied program with any modifications made to the reference program.

Insert Program/Activity
Allows to define the insert level of the program imported. The Merge Resulting Programs option is applied on the first program imported from the inserted point.
Note: If the inserted level is a machining activity and the Merge Resulting Programs option is not selected, then the manufacturing program containing the activity selected is defined as the insertion level.
This input appears only if there is a Manufacturing program with several activities in the current Machining Cell.