Setup Section: Secondary Area

The secondary area of the Setup section provides commands for working with resources such as robots and control equipment.

Control Equipment
Creates a control device to group several programmable resources, such as robot and robot devices.
See Create a Control Equipment.

Motion Controller
Creates a motion controller to drive the robot devices.
See Setting Up a Robot.

Create Attachment
See Flyout for Robot Attachments.

Jog Mechanism
Manipulates the commands (or joints) of a mechanism.
See NC Machining Apps Common Services: Using the Setup Section Commands: Jogging a Device: Jogging using Jog Mechanism.

Workspace Envelope
Creates the reachable volume for a given industrial robot's workspace envelope around the robot.
See Virtual Factory: Equipment Design: Motion Controller: Creating a Workspace Envelope.

Flyout for Robot Attachments

Create Attachment
Creates a link between two objects so that one object moves when the other moves.
See Simulation: Digital Manufacturing Apps Common Services: Common Services for Manufacturing Simulation Apps: Resource Layout and Definition: Creating and Managing Ports and Attachments: Creating an Attachment.
Manage Attachments
Edits or removes the attachment between objects.
See Simulation: Digital Manufacturing Apps Common Services: Common Services for Manufacturing Simulation Apps: Resource Layout and Definition: Creating and Managing Ports and Attachments: Managing Attachments.