Persistent Filter Product - Check Knowledge Object

Persistent Filters Expressions are managed by Check Knowledge Objects.

The following topics discuss:

This page discusses:

Using Check Knowledge Objects

There are some knowledge objects that can use a Persistent Filter. The Check Knowledge Object is also suitable for a Persistent Filter expression.

Persistent Filter options:

  1. The Check Knowledge Object is a Boolean expression and a group of statements have specific conditions. So, a Persistent Filter expression can be stored in the Check Knowledge Object.
  2. This is a feature and does not modify the object. But the verifying objects might have some problems with importing or exporting. So import or export like an Action Rule catalog.
  3. Check Knowledge Object returns true or false by logical computation. Considering though the expression is always false, it requires it to store in the Persistent Filter Expression.

Managing Check Knowledge Objects

Persistent Filter and its capabilities support Check Knowledge Object.

A Persistent Filter name corresponds to a verified object name. It is possible to save duplicated name verified objects. Persistent Filter expression corresponds to verified object expression.

The Check Knowledge Object allows the NotLike operator (no spaces between words) not Not Like, so this operator in the Persistent Filter is changed to NotLike.

Scenario for Managing Check Knowledge Objects

A scenario for the Persistent Filter and its capability supports the Check Knowledge Object.

  1. The Catalog is set on PRM: If the physical product is defined in the rule catalog with identifiers, Check Knowledge Objects under the physical product are automatically managed by the Persistent Filter.

    If you do not have the right role to access a catalog under the PRM, expressions modifying these are unavailable and these commands to add/remove/modify filters are not available. Filtering can be available using expressions.

    Not defining the product in PRM and there is no information about latest selection, add/remove/modify filters commands are not available until selecting the product. If you reset the product selection from Preferences, a message appears. This is also because Product Selection for Check Knowledge Object is mandatory for Persistent Filter.

    No defining a product under PRM but there is a last selection about the product, the Persistent Filter loads expressions from the last selected product.

  2. Use another product for other Check Knowledge Objects:

    If you would like to use another product in some cases, search using Show Preferences and select another product manually. After product selection, a message box is displayed

    If you do not have permission for the product, then a message appears and disables commands to add/remove/modify filters.

    If you do not have a right, for example: owner role to access the PRM, then a message appears and disables commands to add/remove/modify filters.

  3. Covert local file to Check Knowledge Objects: If there are no objects under the product and you have permission to modify the product, a message box appears once the Persistent Filter is launching.

    Clicking OK, expressions are automatically converted.

    And the Persistent Filter is then managed by Check Knowledge Objects.