General InformationThis rule is executed duringSynchronization Manager You can modify the existing CATRule file from following the location of your installation of the 3DExperience...\ win_b64\ resources\knowledge\scripts Input ObjectsInputs for the rule must be of the following type: Parameters corresponds to the context object. The Parameter input object has two inputs registered in it. ListOfObjectTypes – It stores the list of types (String). Valid values are as follows:
ListOfAttributeKeys – It stores the list of Unique Ids (Internal Names) of PLM Attribute. SampleThe following example explains how to return Description (V_description) and Title (V_Name) PLM attributes and Reference as Type from the CATRule. /* ---- output ---- */ let ListOfObjectTypes (List) let ListOfAttributeKeys (List) set ListOfObjectTypes = Parameters->GetAttributeObject(“ListOfObjectTypes”) set ListOfAttributeKeys = Parameters->GetAttributeObject(“ListOfAttributeKeys”) if (ListOfObjectTypes <> NULL) { /* --> Start to modify */ ListOfObjectTypes.Append("Reference") ListOfObjectTypes.Append("Reference") /* <-- End to modify */ } if (ListOfAttributeKeys <> NULL) { /* --> Start to modify */ ListOfAttributeKeys.Append("V_description") ListOfAttributeKeys.Append("V_Name") /* <-- End to modify */ } Parameters.SetAttributeObject("ListOfObjectTypes ", ListOfObjectTypes) Parameters.SetAttributeObject("ListOfAttributeKeys ", ListOfAttributeKeys) |