Adding an Action Rule to a Catalog

You can add an action rule to a catalog.

Before you begin: Before you begin, create the required action rule.
  1. In the top bar, click Add > Content
    The New Content dialog box appears.
  2. Expand the Catalog category and click Catalog .
    Creates the catalog. For more information about creating the catalog, see Design IP ClassificationUser's Guide: Authoring a Catalog: Creating a Catalog.
  3. Right-click the catalog and select Insert > New Chapter.
    The Catalog Chapter dialog box appears.
  4. In the Name box, enter the name of your chapter and click Finish.
    Creates a chapter and is available in the catalog structure. A warning message appears if the name of the inserted chapter matches that of an existing chapter.
  5. Add the action rules in the chapter; right-click the selected chapter and select Insert > Insert Existing Object and select the product reference containing the action rules.
    Adds a description node referencing the selected product reference under the chapter.