Using the Digger Transparency in the Auxiliary Viewer

You can manage the transparency of dig-in parts in the auxiliary viewer. When working on deeply nested items sometimes, it is impossible to recognize the parts behind a bunch of semitransparent items.

  1. In the Auxiliary Viewer, select Show Preferences .

    The Digger Transparency slider bar window appears.

    The default value of this slider is 175. It is the same transparency value of the current digger functionality.

    In this scenario, there are three spheres in the auxiliary viewer. The red sphere surrounds the yellow sphere and this yellow sphere surrounds the green sphere.

  2. Select the red sphere and press the F7 key, then the selected sphere is getting transparent and not pick-able anymore.

  3. Move the slider to the maximum value of 255.

    The red sphere disappears from the auxiliary viewer as the transparency value of the digger is the maximum value.

  4. Select the yellow sphere and press the F7 key, the green sphere is visible in the auxiliary viewer.

  5. Select the F9 key to dig out (restore) all digger parts at once. The red sphere is visible in the auxiliary viewer and it is now pick-able.