Prepare PPR Context, which has bundle fasteners with structure objects. To use the creation rule, import this 3dxml, win_b64\startup\DELMIAHeavyIndustry\Manufacturing\MGO_Rules_Catalog.3dxml. Launch Generate MBOM
In this example select Bundle Fastener000000069, and click OK. An item for child fastener generates. Launch Generate MBOM
Select a Fastener Root product, and click Preferences. Click PLM search of the Rule for Creation. Search Product Of Creation Rule and select a found product from the result. From the Action Rule List panel, select the GenMBOM_Creation rule. Click OK in the Action Rule List and Generate MBOM then in the Rule based MBOM Generation List panel. The Rule based MBOM Generation List panel displays None to Item Type in the column of the Bundle Fastener, as the item did not generate for Bundle fasteners. |