Revision Management of Manufactured and Corresponding
Here is a revision scenario of four Split Plates for one Panel and one
Stiffener case.
After new revision of input product (--- to --A) and replacement by new revision, the
implement link between input product and Mfg. Item breaks. Select rows for Panel and
Stiffener displays Revised status after computation.

There are two conditions to decide action for
Revised status after computation.
- For the broken implement link between an input product assembly and Manufacturing Assembly,
the Synchronization Manager displays Revised status
and Reroute action.
- For broken implement link between leaf elements, Synchronization
Manager displays
Revised status and
Reroute/Revise action depending on
Same Revision/Up or Down Revision of Product.
After synchronization, the Synchronization Manager displays the
Up-To-Date status and None action
for corresponding rows.
In the specification tree, manufactured items revises and implement links reroute.
Resulting products revise and Product Instance under IPM is replaced by
--A revision.
Manufactured Part with Resulting Product
- Case a:New revision of Input Product.
Input products (Part 1.A, Part2.A) then revises
the (Part 1.B, Part2.B) and replaces in the
specification tree. Then, implement links between input products and the
Mfg. Items brake.
After Synchronization Manager command execution, the result:
In this scenario, the revision and replacement of Manufactured Parts done
before this function. This function focuses on revision and replacement
of the Resulting Product.
- Resulting Product:
Prior confirmation is done to see if there
is already a revision of the Resulting product available in the
database, which matches with the B
revision of the Product.
This lists, all revisions of the Resulting Products, and Product
Instance under it retrieves. The revision of Input Product
implemented by the Manufactured Part matches with the revision
of Product Instance under the resulting product. In this case,
only one revision found, A, then it
considers to be the perfect match and no new revision of the
Resulting Product completes.
If no matching revision appears, the new revision of the
Resulting Product completes. In the present case, since no
matching Product Instance is available, the new Revision of the
Resulting Product completes.
The old occurrences of Resulting Products (IPM1.A,
IPM2.B) under the context of Root Resulting
Product are replaced with the new revision of Resulting Products
(IPM1.B, IPM2.B).
- Product Instance:
The old Product
Instances (Part1.A, Part2.A) under the
revised Resulting Products (IPM1.B,
IPM2.B) are replaced by the existing revision
(Part1.B, Part2.B).
- Case BBack Revision of Product from B to
Here, Input Products (Part1.B, Part2.B) replace by the old / existing
revision (Part1.A, Part2.A) in the specification tree.
After the Synchronization Manager command, the result:
In Case1, there is an existing revision of the resulting Product (Part1.A,
Part2.A) available in the database. This aggregates
Product Instance of revision A, no new revision
of Resulting Product completes.
The Resulting Products under the Root Resulting Product context
are replaced with
A revision. No replacement for Product
Instance is required since Product Instance of appropriate revision
(A) is already existing under the Resulting Product.
In both cases, after the Revise and Replace actions, data materialization link establish
between the revised Manufactured Part and the revised Resulting Product.
Manufactured Part with Predecessor Mfg Items
In this image:
- Manufactured Part00000065 and Formed
Panel00000090 is pointing to the same Resulting Product.
- Fabricated Panel00000089 is pointing to the Flatten IPM
(IPM_Flattened_Panel_2) which is aggregated under the IPM.
The input product revises and replaces by the new revision.
On execution of the Synchronization Manager command,
the following objectives are achieved:
- Manufactured Part - New revision of Manufactured Part00000065
(--0 to --A) is done and the implement link is
rerouted between revised Manufactured Part00000065
(--A) and input product
(--A). Old Manufactured
--0 is replaced with --A
- Resulting Product of Manufactured Part - It is Revised from
--0 to --A and Data materialization link (DM
Link) is established between revised
Manufactured Part00000065 and revised
resulting product.
- Predecessor Mfg. Items - Predecessors revise and replace.
- Resulting Product of Predecessors - Resulting product of Formed Panel00000090
is pointing to the same resulting product of
Manufactured Part00000065. So, Data
Materialization Link (DM Link) is established between revised Formed
Panel00000090 and revised IPM. Replace action
does not complete since it is a same Resulting product. Resulting product of
Fabricated Panel is revised from --0 to --A and Data
materialization link (DM Link) is established between revised
Fabricated Panel 00000089 and its revised
resulting product.
- Product Instance under Resulting product - Product Instance is
replaced with existing revision
- Representations under the resulting product: This behavior governs the Infrastructure revision
- Make reusable Representation: These representations do NOT automatically revise when the
resulting product revises. The Synchronization Manager command does
not explicitly execute revision of these types of Representations.
- Non-Make reusable representation - These representations automatically revise if the
resulting product under which it is aggregated revises. The
Synchronization Manager command does not explicitly execute revision
of these types of Representations.
- XML - XML linked to the Manufactured Part verify by Manufacturing Finder.
After revision of the Manufactured Part in the Synchronization process, this
document revises and relinks to the revised Mfg. Item.
- Drawing representations aggregated under the Resulting Product.
If this drawing representation is aggregated as make reusable Representation,
then the representation does not automatically revise.
If the drawing representation is non make reusable, then automatic revision
when the Resulting product is revises.