Compute the MBOM Status

You can compute to get the current status of MBOM.

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  1. In the Authoring section of the action bar, click Synchronization Manager .

    This video is based on the user interface in an earlier release, but the concepts described are still valid.

    The Synchronization Manager panel appears.

  2. Select the rows that you want to compute and synchronize.
  3. Click Compute.

    The selected rows are computed, and the Status and Action columns are updated.

    Status can be any of the following values:

    The design part exists in the session, but the associated manufactured item does not.
    The design part does not exist in the current session, but the associated manufactured item does exist.
    Declaring a design change on the design part, or a PLM attribute value change on the design part in the DELMnOSynchronizePLMAttributes.CATRule file.
    The design part revises. Check Versioning for Synchronization Manager must be clicked in Me > Preferences to obtain this status.
    The manufactured item and design part synchronizes.

    Action is determined by the Status value, and allows you to execute or ignore.

    • Create or None when status is New
    • Delete or None when status is Deleted
    • Update or None when status is Modified
    • Revise or None when status is Version
    • None when status is Up To Date