Using Dynamic Clash

You can use Dynamic Clash to compute clashes among all moving objects and the rest of your content. Dynamic Clash differs from dedicated analysis objects (such as interference objects) because it is quick and immediate; it does not generate any reports.

This task describes how to use Dynamic Clash as a command you access from the App Options panel. You can also create a dynamic clash probe inside of 3D Simulation, if your licenses give you access.

Dynamic clash works for individual manikin segments, not just the manikin as a whole or the reach envelope.

Once you start Dynamic Clash (in either On or Stop mode), you can end it by clicking Off.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open content that you play as an experience.

Run a Simulation with Dynamic Clash On

You can use dynamic clash in On mode, which lets the simulation continue when a clash is found, but the data in the clash is highlighted.

  1. From the Dynamic Clash flyout in the App Options panel, click Clash Detection (On) .

  2. From the 3D geometry window or from the tree, select the track that you want to play.
  3. Click Play on the Compass.

    The experience starts.

    • When the two parts clash, they change color, and the experience continues.

    • When there is no clash, the display changes again.

Run a Simulation with Dynamic Clash Stop

You can use Dynamic Clash in Stop mode, which stops the experience when a clash is found, and the content in the clash is highlighted.

  1. From the Dynamic Clash flyout in the App Options panel, click Stop .
  2. From the work area or from the tree, select the track that you want to play.

  3. Click Play on the Compass.
    The experience starts. When the two parts clash, they change color, and the experience stops.

  4. Click Resume to continue stepping through the experience.
    Once the clash is cleared, the experience continues.
  5. Click Play again to deactivate this function.