You can create a simulation from product, resource, or PPR context content. With a simulation, you can test different scenarios.
When you create a simulation, the original content (for example, PPR context content) appears under the Model node. A simulation stores simulation objects, which are the building blocks of the tests you run on your content. Simulation objects include sequences, states, scenarios, excitations, and probes. In most cases, simulation objects you define can be saved for reuse when you end a session, but many cannot be saved outside of a simulation. The simulation objects are stored under the Scenario node, which is created when you create a simulation. Once you have generated results, a Results node also appears, under which your test results appear and can be saved.
Because simulations contain Model, Scenario, and Results nodes, the simulation context is called the MSR context.
Before you begin: Have open the content you are going to simulate. For this task, PPR context content is used.
From the Ergonomic Analysis section of the action bar, click New Manufacturing Simulation.
A manufacturing simulation is created for you to test your content.
If you are in
3D Simulation, additional panels, such as Excitations and Results, become available.