Edit Device Motion (by Modifying the Move Device Points)
You are able to modify the intermediate Device Moves. In case you modify and intermediate device move, parts of the walk path affected by this modification recompute (if required). This does not affect the regrasp postures, the rest of the walk path, and other things.
In the image below, green: initial walk path; red: walk path after modification, if you
modify the device joint values at index 2, walk paths from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3 impact
(including regrasp). In such cases, the walk path (shown in red) recomputes and is shown
when you click Modify device move. The regrasp postures defined earlier apply at the modified manikin position.
Modifying joint values at 2 impacts both path from 1 to 2 and 2 to 3.