Using the Gantt Chart to Modify Human Tasks

You can display the human task and activities within a Gantt chart.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Have a manikin scenario open with a populated Human Task.

Opening the Gantt Chart

You can open the Gantt chart to view current data.

  1. Click Gantt Chart .
  2. From Sequencing, select the required human task.

    The Gantt chart displays. You are able to edit accordingly by right-clicking the item:

    • Human Task1
      • Properties
      • Display precedence constraints
      • Display synchronization links
      • Cut
      • Copy
      • Paste
      • Delete
      • Human Task.2 object
    • GOTO:HumanLocation
      • Cut
      • Copy
      • Paste
      • Delete
      • GOTO:HumanLocation1 object
      • Edit Activity
      • Edit Activity in New Window
      • Properties

    For more detailed information, see Using the Manufacturing System Gantt Chart in Manufacturing Planning, Manufacturing system Definition.

    Note: The above interactions do not update the time bars on the right side of the Gantt chart. They get updated only when the human task is simulated or clicking Update Gantt.

Modifying Activities in a Gantt Chart

You can modify activities in the Gantt Chart.

  1. Select any activity (or motion element) in the human task and double-click either the Speed or Time column. The following interactions are possible:
    • Double-click the Motion Basis of Macro Activity (GET/PUT/GOTO), the Edit dialog displays. Enter the value of the motion basis in the dialog and click OK. If the macro activity has a combination of Speed and a Time basis, a warning message is displayed, the Motion Basis of all Child Activities will be converted to time. Do you wish to proceed?. Selecting Yes, they are changed to either speed or time (depending on the cell selected).
      Speed Time Changed Data Speed Time
      GET.1 ---------------------------------------> 80% GET.1 80%
      Walk 100% Walk 80%
      Reach 2.37 Reach 80%
      Grasp 0.0 Grasp 80%
      Body Motion 90% Body Motion 80%
      Speed Time Changed Data Speed Time
      GET.1 -------------------->12 seconds GET.1 12.00
      Walk 100% Walk 5.6
      Reach 2.37 Reach 4.30
      Grasp 0.0 Grasp 0.0
      Body Motion 90% Body Motion 2.10
    • Double-click the Motion Basis of Motion Element (Walk, Reach, Body Motion). Enter the value of the motion basis in the dialog and click OK. The value of the motion basis updates. If the macro activity has a common motion basis for all motion elements, they update based on the inputs as illustrated.
      Speed Time Changed Data Speed Time
      GET.1 GET.1
      Walk 100% -------------------->12 seconds Walk 12.0
      Reach 2.37 Reach 2.37
      Grasp 0.0 Grasp 0.0
      Body Motion 90% Body Motion
      Speed Time Changed Data Speed Time
      GET.1 12.00 GET.1 10.40
      Walk 5.6 ---> 4 seconds Walk 4.0
      Reach 4.30 Reach 4.30
      Grasp 0.0 Grasp 0.0
      Body Motion 2.10 Body Motion 2.10
      Speed Time Changed Data Speed Time
      GET.1 12.00
      Walk 5.6 --->40% Walk 40%
      Reach 4.30 Reach 4.30
      Grasp 0.0 Grasp 0.0
      Body Motion 2.10 Body Motion 2.10
  2. Select a human task that has an activity using Track (USETOOL, PUT, OPERATE PART). The Gantt chart for the activity that uses Track (PUT).

    Speed Time
    Human Task.2
    Body Motion100%0.0
    Move [1-2]1.3m_s0.0
    Move [2-3]1.3m_s0.0
    Body Motion1100%0.0

    • At the time of defining a Track, specify either Speed or Time. The entire track is uniformly simulated using the specified speed or time.
    • To split the track into different Moves, and specify to a different simulation time for these individual Moves is possible. Only if the Motion Basis for the Moves is specify as User Time. The Track Speed cannot be modified inside this; as it has to be done by editing the Track itself. If the motion basis is specify as Track Speed, all the Moves are simulated with the same specified speed.
    • Even in the Gantt, you cannot modify the Track Speed. You can only change the motion basis to User Time and modify the time values.
    Note: The above interactions do not update the time bars on the right side of the Gantt chart. They get updated only when the human task is simulated or click Update. The above interactions change the motion basis and the value on the human activity/task.

Updating the Gantt Chart

This describes the actions when updating the Gantt Chart.

  1. Select any activity (or motion element) and then double-click the Duration or End Time cell and modify the value.
    The Gantt gets updated automatically with the input time. The motion basis of the edited activities becomes Time based if it was not so earlier. The motion basis has to be time if you defined duration/end time as this needs honoring.
  2. Move the mouse over the right side end of the bar, the cursor changes indicating dragging. Modify the bar graph and release the mouse.
    The Gantt chart gets updated. The motion basis of the modified activity becomes Time based if it was not so earlier.
    Note: The above interactions update the time bars and the motion basis in the Gantt chart and also persist these changes on the human activity/task.
  3. Click Update after making changes to the Motion Basis.
    The simulation runs in the background and the entire Gantt Chart gets updated.

Limitations of the Gantt

This explains the limitations of the Gantt chart.


  • You cannot modify the values of the Duration, End Time columns.
  • You can only modify the values in the Speed and Time columns. This is done by double-clicking the cell and then entering the values in the dialog and click OK.
  • No constraints can create between the activities within the Gantt Chart, like Precedence constraints, Start-Start, End-End, plus others. Existing constraints honor when the Gantt updates.
  • For the GOTO activity, the Motion Basis has only the Time or Speed(%). The walk speed does not display. The Speed motion basis computed as follows -

    • Very Slow - 60%
    • Slow - 80%
    • Normal - 100%
    • Fast - 120%
    • Very Fast - 140%
  • In the Gantt, only one of the Time or Speed columns update based on the active motion basis. The corresponding values in the other motion basis do not display in gray color.