Adding Human Activities Into an Existing Human Task

This provides the ability to insert an activity within a human task. At the time of insertion, the context for the new activity is specify correct (by running the simulation in the background till the activity insertion point).

Before you begin: The manikin and all other resources in the scenario with a Human Task created with multiple activities.
See Also
Editing a Human Task
  1. Select the Human Task thumbnail in Behavior.
  2. Click Play in the Experience Player to view the scenario if required.
  3. Double-click the Human Task thumbnail.

    The Human task appears with the activities in the Sequence Editor.

  4. Select to activate an entry that the new activity follows. In this scenario, GOTO:HumanLocation1.
    The simulation runs in the background till the end of the selected run instruction. The position of product/resources update accordingly.
  5. Select a new Activity. In this scenario, GOTO.
  6. Double-click the Human Task thumbnail to view the addition.
    The new GOTO:HimanLocation2 appears in the Sequence Editor. The newly created activity inserts after the selected run instruction in the sequence editor. If the Human Task was empty, the activity creates as the first.

    Note: If selecting the Human Task thumbnail and then you start with the activity creation, the newly created activity appends at the end of the human task. The sequence editor was not open in this case.
  7. Click Play in the Experience Player to view the changes.