Using Navigate Manikin

You can perform a third person walk-through experience and change the mode from first to third person and select a posture from the Predefined Postures dialog box.

Before you begin: Have a manikin in your scenario.
  1. Click Navigate Manikin .
  2. Select a Manikin.
    The following view appears.

  3. Click the Alt key.
    The view changes to the First person view. The Alt key is used to switch from first person view to third person view. The first person view.

    Use the standard keyboard up and down arrows to move a manikin forward and backward. The right and left arrows rotate the manikin in a standing posture to the respective direction.

    Restoring to the original view, exit or click Esc.

    In the third person view, a dockable immersive panel, which docks to the right side of the screen by default is available to apply predefined postures.

  4. Click a posture in the Predefined Postures dialog box if required.
    An animation takes place in the 3D viewer screen.

    The moment you start using the key board for walk movements, the manikin goes into the standing posture and the walk posture gets imposed. An Applied posture is forgotten and to get back to the applied posture click the posture in the Predefined Postures panel again.