Importing External Data

You can import new external data into scenario staging tables at any time.

  • Note that the source of the data depends on the setting on the data tab of the scenario dialog:
    • If Excel data, all data is imported from Excel files (this is the default setting for non-live scenarios.)

    • If Database data, it is possible to have a mix of sources from a database and Excel. This mix is defined in Global Parameters on the Import Sources tab where you can define for each data type whether the source is database or Excel when in a database model.

    When you make a scenario a live scenario, the data source setting automatically switches to database.

    To import data:

    1. Select Import Data from the Data action bar.
      A list with the names of eligible files you can import appears.
    2. To import any Excel files (that is, not database,) select files and then browse to locate the files to import.
    3. Select the files to import. You can hold Shift or Ctrl to select multiple files, and then click Open.
      The dialog shows green check marks for all valid files selected, and red check marks next to the names of any files selected that are not recognized.
      Note: If you want the new data to immediately synchronize from staging into the planning model on import, make sure the synchronize field is selected. However, changes in data, invalidate some or all of your plan and require you to run the optimizer again to replan according to the changes. You can therefore only perform this operation in non-live “what-if” scenarios, or during non-working hours in live scenarios.
    4. Click Import to import all files with the green check mark.
    Some data may be imported that is not merged into the planning model because of data quality problems. You can view the raw data imported from external systems, which can be helpful for troubleshooting the source of these problems.

    There are two ways to view the raw imported data:

    1. Go to the Data tab and click Data Explorer.
    2. This view has a sliding pane that takes up the whole workspace, but you must leave the view you were in to get here.