About the Completion Configuration of the Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder Command

The Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder command can be configured to invoke a predefined User-Defined Explore procedure depending on the selected object type. The retrieved PPR objects are explored and added to the PPR content and complete it according to the procedure that you have specified.

This page discusses:

See Also
Exploring with Manufacturing Context Builder
User-Defined Open and User-Defined Explore Procedures

Principle of Use

The Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder command enables you to explore a PPR object. This initial behavior can be extended to execute predefined User-Defined completion procedures according to a specific PPR object type.

Important: To this extent, right-click an object and press Ctrl + click Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder.

To do so, you must modify the dedicated XML file available in win_b64\resources\xml\DELMCBUserDefinedExplore\Config.xml. For more information, see XML File Content.

Once you have defined the procedure for a specific PPR object type in the XML file, the procedure steps will be executed internally whenever pressing Ctrl + clicking Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder command on the specified object type. The retrieved objects are explored in the spreadsheet with the selected object. In other words, the procedure specified for the selected PPR object type will be invoked and the resulting output will be explored in the session.

You can select multiple object types; the appropriate procedure is executed for each selected objects according to its type, as specified in the XML file.

XML File Content

The XML file includes several NodeType elements. For example:

<UserDefinedExplore Title="UDE_Configuration">
  <ProcDef ObjectType="EBOM" Procedure="OnProductExplore.1.0.0"></ProcDef>
  <ProcDef ObjectType="MBOM" Procedure="RetriveLinkdProducts.1.0.3"></ProcDef>
  <ProcDef ObjectType="System" Procedure=""></ProcDef>
  <ProcDef ObjectType="WorkPlan" Procedure="OnWorkPlanExplore.1.2.0"></ProcDef>
  <ProcDef ObjectType="Resource" Procedure=""></ProcDef>
Each elements consists of two attributes:
  • The ObjectType: The PPR object type defined for a specific procedure. The possible object types are:
    • EBOM
    • MBOM
    • System
    • WorkPlan
    • Resource
  • The Procedure: The UDE procedure name invoked when selecting the object type associated to it. The procedure name must include the version (with the last three numbers) of the program.
    Note: The Procedure value is optional. If no procedure is specified for an object type, no procedure is invoked on this object type; only the selected object is explored, that is, the behavior of the Explore with Manufacturing Context Builder command remains the same as before.