About 4D Planning

4D Planning panel displays current processing operations on specific time and corresponding objects displays on the Auxiliary Viewer.

This page discusses:

When you click 4D Planning from the Auxiliary Viewer toolbar, the 4D Planning panel appears and Current time defines to 0 by default.

4D Planning panel shows processing operations on the current time and updates whenever current time is changed by using the slider or Previous or Next.

Display, Resource sections in action bar of Auxiliary Viewer are disabled and Auxiliary Viewer shows production status in 3D:

  • Solid: The parts that already realize on the current define time.
  • Highlighted: The parts that it realizes.

Begin Time, Duration, End Time

These values calculate by the Gantt chart based on operation attributes.

Start, End Labels

Start and End time calculates based on whole operations in current session. Start is always 0 and End is the end time of the all Operations.

Current Time

The current times define, the bases on which the current processing operations on display.

Time Slider

Current time is changed by moving the time slider.

Previous, Next

Enable Previous and Next when the selected System or Operation from the list has Product Flow or Precedence Link. Clicking one of these, the current time changes to the begin time of the previous or next operation.


If there are any changes on operation or unit of time in Preferences changes, this recalculates all the information and updates the panel.


There is an option Display resources for each Operation in Preferences. Activate, then related resources display under the operation on System-Operation column and display in the Auxiliary Viewer as well.