About Consistency Checks

This describes different scenarios using the Consistency Check.

This page discusses:

Prevent the Creation of Inconsistent Content Is Selected as Off

Not selecting this option, Generate Operations by Catalog does not verify consistency.

Then Operations generate following the computation result.

Prevent the Creation of Inconsistent Content Is Selected On

If Prevent the creation of inconsistent content is selected to on, then Generate Operations by Catalog verifies the consistency during computation. After computation, a warning message box displays if there is inconsistency to allow you to verify consistency for each item.

Click OK, Consistency Check starts for each item and a progress bar is displays.

After completion Consistency Check, the parent column changes to a red color if the item is inconsistent. A warning message appears at the bottom of the panel if you hover over the red cell.

Consistency Check for Selected Item

If Cancel on Consistency Check Error is clicked, then Consistency Check is not run during the computation step. After that, there is a way to Consistency Check by using the context menu.

This verification is run only for the selected item and the color of the Parent column cell changes to red if there is inconsistencies.

Define Parent for Inconsistent Content

Another parent object can be selected by using the Set Parent context menu on the Parent column.

If OK is clicked, the Consistency Check runs again for the selected item and a progress bar displays the Consistency Check progress.

Operation Generation with Inconsistency

Click Finish with a Consistency Check failure, a warning panel appears.

Click OK, operations generate.