Generate Systems by Catalog is in the Authoring
Select SystemThe parent node, which can be the PPR context or system. By default, the current PPR context appears and the system structure generates under the PPR context as root system. Multi-ReferenceThe number of system structures, which generate under the selected node. The default and minimum values are 1. Select SchemaThe schema of the system, select the Catalog Browser. By default, select is nothing. Hence, selecting by you to generate the system structure. Catalog Browser or LibraryOpen the Catalog Browser and select a system schema, which is in PRM or open in the Library.
System Schema EditorThis area displays the tree view for the selected system schema. Once step no.4 is finishes, the tree view appears with the title column. Customization DialogShow Customization Dialog for systems in the tree view. As usual, it is possible to add or remove columns in the tree view that modifies the attribute value of systems through the Customization Dialog. OKThe selected system structure generates as many times as the value of the multireference under the selected node and the command finishes. CancelExit the command without any generation. Detail BehaviorThe current PPR contexts define to the parent node by default. However, it is also possible to
select a system from the tree or tile as the parent node. The schema is not define by default. Select a system reference using Catalog Browser. If the catalog define in PRM for Process Planning, the Catalog Browser shows it.
For more information about System Schema Catalog, refer to Administration or System Catalog.
Selecting a system reference in the Catalog Browser, the system structure displays in the System Schema Editor.
Now the value of multireference reflects to the system structure. As it is 1, only 1 of the system structure displays in the tree view. If the value is 3, the total 3 system structures display in the tree view.
Only the Title column is shown in the tree view but other columns also can be added by the Customization Dialog to modify the value of PLM attributes. After selecting on the Cycle Time and the Last modification in the Customization Dialog, columns corresponding to selected attributes are added to the tree view. To modify the value, double-click a cell then a new editor box on the cell appears so you can modify the value. If it is not an editable PLM attribute, the editor box is not available.
After the modification is done, the last step is to click OK in the panel. This generates system structures in the tree view with modified attributes under the selected parent node. But Cancel lets you exit the command and lose the information in the panel. According to the information in the panel, 3 system structures are generated under the selected root system after clicking OK. This considers the modified attribute value as well.
If the selected parent is the PPR context, 3 system structures generates as root system under the PPR context. And the last system activates in the session.
All product flow links between sub systems considers generated systems. |