Creating a Fastener Offset

Creating a manufacturing fastener offset.

  1. In the Fastener Offset dialog box, give in a name to the offset, such as Fastener Offset.1.
  2. Define the parameters of the offset:
    • Constant value: Defines the value of the parameter in mm or deg.
    • Associated sign: Define the absolute value of the parameter, + or -.
    • Name of the manufacturing fastener: Name used to evaluate of the offset, such as Diameter, Length, and Thickness.
      Note: If no existing manufacturing fastener parameter name is selected, you must give it a new name.

    For example, under Along X:

    1. Set the constant value to 0.50mm.
    2. Select + from the list.
    3. Select Length from the list.

  3. Click OK.

The manufacturing fastener offset is created and is displayed in the Manufacturing View.