Simulating the Tool Path

You can simulate partially or completely the tool path of a manufacturing program or machining operation using Play in the Compass. You can use the experience player to control tool path simulation and the tool path line to simulate a section of the tool path and check collisions and kinematic issues.

  • Only activated machining operations or manufacturing programs can be simulated. To reactivate a machining operation or manufacturing program, right-click it and select Activate.
  • The tool path line is not displayed for mill-turn machines with more than one manufacturing program.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • Create several machining operations in a manufacturing program and compute their tool paths.
  • Select Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation > Machining > NC Machining Apps Common Services and configure the tool path options in the General, Material Removal, and Simulation tabs.
  • To check collisions and kinematic issues of the tool path, select the Activate collision checking and Activate Kinematics Checking check boxes in the part operation dialog box.