Design Part Comparison

The Design Part Comparison dialog box appears when you select Design Part Comparison. It allows you to manage uncut areas, levels of accuracy (and consequently performance), and to automatically adapt the level of detail of the displayed areas, depending on zoom.

This page discusses:


You can define a machining tolerance to increase analysis accuracy.

Machining tolerance should be set according to the material tolerance.

When the tolerance is changed, then the color intervals are changed too, with respect to the ratio for each color. For example, if the tolerance is changed from 0.01mm to 0.02mm, then the gouge value will be changed from 0.02mm to 0.04mm.

When the tolerance is changed, the color intervals are changed as well, with respect to the ratio of each color. For example, if the tolerance is changed from 0.1mm to 0.2mm, then the gouge value will be changed from 0.2mm to 0.4mm.

By default, the tolerance value is 0.1mm.


You can define an offset on a design part. This option is useful when a negative offset is defined on a design part. The computation offsets the given tolerance values to display the right colors.

Specifying offsets helps your to determine the value necessary to correct machining operation parameters. Once you have determined this value, you must modify the corresponding parameters directly in the machining operation.

For example, if the design part is machined with a negative offset of -0.5mm and a tolerance of 0.02mm:

  • Areas less than -0.52mm: detected as gouges.
  • Areas between -0.52mm and -0.48mm: detected as green areas.
  • Areas greater than -0.48mm: detected as remaining material areas.

Table 1. Example:
Machining Result 1 Result 2

Blue face is machined with a negative thickness of

The result with a default value offset of 0mm.

It is considered as a gouge because of the distance to the target part is -1mm.

With offset of -1mm, the result is green.

Picking the part, the deviation to the target part is -1mm (the distance to the target part).

Accuracy (High, Medium, or Low)

You can specify the accuracy of the comparison. There are three degrees of accuracy that you can use: High, Medium, and Low.

In high option, the color is computed for each pixel and refined with surface information.
Select High when you want the best accuracy. This can affect performance and can be time consuming depending on the model, or on point of view.
Based on triangulation, using the normal at each vertex to improve the accuracy while evaluating the distance between stock and part
Based on triangulation, using vertices only.
For example, if you drill a hole with a cylinder, the result is computed with the faceted tool, the remaining area corresponds to the tool facet tolerance.
Note: Modifying the Tool and faceting preferences from Standard to Smaller in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > Simulation > Machining : Material Removal > Performance allows you to ensure that false gouges are not detected during drilling and 5-axis machining operations.

Table 2. Example with a Drilled Hole:
High Medium Low

Ignore Uncut Areas

You can ignore uncut areas of rough stock during a comparison. This shows the uncut area of a rough stock during a comparison.

Table 3. Example:
Initial rough stock Ignore uncut area activated Ignore uncut area not activated
Gray areas are not cut by a tool: Uncut areas of the current rough stock

are not taken into account:

Uncut areas of current rough stock are

taken into account:


You can specify transparent areas of the rough stock to be identical to the design part. It is useful to see only the gouges or the remaining part to detect issues at the first sight of problems. This option is only available when High accuracy is selected.


  • A global check box manages transparencies if needed.
  • A slider manages the level of transparency from 0 (no transparency) to 255 (full transparency).
  • For each colored area, a check box specifies the transparency for this area color. These check boxes are selected only if the Transparency check box is selected.
Note: This option has a negative impact on performance.

Table 4. Example:
No transparency Full transparency Intermediate transparency

Green area is set to full transparency.

Only red gouges and pink areas are displayed.

Green area has an intermediate transparency attribute.

Gouges are visible through the green area.

Other Modifications

Zoom Rotation
When zoom-rotation is started, it used to switch to a simplified display of the comparison result.
In the example below, the simplified display is activated during zoom-rotate. If Automatic Refresh is selected (or upon clicking Apply in High mode), the displays switches to the corresponding accuracy mode selected.

Table 5. Example:
Initial display During zoom-rotation End of zoom-rotation

  • All options are for the visual comparison command. There is no impact on the rough stock accuracy and consequently no impact on the saved rough stock.
  • These options are in the Design Part Comparison: Tool path simulation and machine simulation.