Editing the Tool Assembly of a Turning Operation

You can edit the tool assembly of a turning operation.

You can modify a Tool Assembly in several ways:

  • Edit its characteristics to create a new tool assembly.
  • Replace it by selecting another tool assembly already used in the Manufacturing Cell.
  • Replace it by selecting another tool assembly from a file.
  • Replace it by selecting another tool assembly from the database.

  1. Double-click a Turning Operation in the Manufacturing Program. The machining operation dialog box appears. Select the Tool Assembly tab in the Tooling page .
  2. Select Create a new Tool Assembly
    1. Enter a name for the new tool assembly. Note: The identification string you specified in the Creation preferences are not added as a prefix to the tool assembly name. However, you can enter this prefix along with the name you give to the tool assembly.
    2. If required, use the spinner to increment the Tool number.
    3. If required, enter a new value for the Setup angle.
    4. Modify the tool assembly Geometry and Technology parameter values as required.
  3. Select another existing tool assembly in the machining cell:
    1. Select [...], which is opposite Name.
    2. Click the required tool assembly from the list of tool assemblies already used in your Manufacturing Cell.
  4. Click another tool assembly from a file:
    1. Click Select a tool assembly from file . The Search Tool Assembly dialog box appears.

      You can also use the catalog to search for an insert, shank, and holder during turning tool assembly creation with Holder Selection.

    2. In the Look in list, specify where you want to search for the tool: in the current document or in a .csv tool catalog.
    3. If you want to change the tool type associated with the tool assembly, select the icon corresponding to the required tool.
    4. You can do a quick search in the Simple tab by means of a character string on the tool assembly name.
      The tool assemblies meeting the simple search criteria are listed.
    5. Click the required tool assembly from the list and click OK.
    6. You can search a tool assembly using finer constraints by selecting the Advanced tab.
      An example could be the results of a search for a tool assembly whose tool has a nominal diameter equal to 10mm.
      Note: Selecting Import/List Lathe Tool Assemblies from the Import section also brings up the Search Tool Assembly dialog box.
  5. To select another tool assembly from database:
    1. Click Select a Tool Assembly from Database .
    2. Enter a search criteria in the search bar of the Top Bar.

      Advanced Search gives access to more extensive search criteria.

    3. In the search results, select the desired tool assembly and click OK.
  6. In the operation dialog box, click OK to confirm using the tool assembly in the operation.