Denso Translators

This section provides basic information about the Denso1 translator.

This page discusses:

Instruction Support

Denso Instruction Support

The DENSO Translator supports upload and download of all instructions in the DELMIA Robotics language that are available in the DENSO PAC language. All features of the supported instructions that apply to DENSO are supported.

The translation outputs PAC-files that can be loaded into the DENSO software and converted into binary files which can be loaded into the G2 or G3 DENSO controller. On upload, any unsupported DENSO PAC instructions are stored as custom instructions so that the program can be downloaded again without loss of data.

The following table summarizes the level of support for each DENSO Instruction by the DELMIA DENSO translator and DELMIA simulation. Any instruction which does not appear in this list is uploaded as a V6 Comment instruction and will not be used in simulation.

DELMIA Instruction Level of Support DENSO Instructions Comments
Goto Supported GOTO
Condition Supported IF REG/IPORT THEN ELSE; also single line IF condition THEN … [ELSE …]
For Supported For
Do While, While do Supported Do … Loop [While/Until] condition; Do [While/Until] condition … Loop
Return Supported RETURN
Break Supported EXIT DO; EXIT FOR
Run (service) Not Supported NA
Run (procedure) Partial Support CALL No arguments
Procedure Not Supported NA
Custom Supported Any unsupported instruction
Grab/Release Not Supported Custom instruction
Assign Partial Support No complex data types. Any unsupported data will be placed in a custom instruction (not simulated). Custom instructions are always downloaded as NRL commands. Outputs of data type Boolean, Integer, with a valid port number are supported.
Wait Partial Support DELAY, WAIT No complex data types. Any unsupported data will be placed in a custom instruction (not simulated). Custom instructions are always downloaded as NRL commands. Input data types of Boolean, Integer with a valid port number are supported.
Robot Motion Supported MOVE P (joint) MOVE L (linear) MOVE C (circular)
Define Tool Supported TOOL 1, (x,y,z,Ya[,P,R]) Define a tool frame
Set Tool Supported CHANGETOOL 1 Use the tool frame by the frame number
Define Object frame Supported WORK 1, (x,y,z,Ya[,P,R]) Define an object frame
Set Object frame Supported CHANGEWORK 1 Use the object frame by the frame number
Arc Operation Not Supported
Seam Search Operation Not supported NA
Spot Operation Not Supported NA
Unsupported Instructions
Any instruction that is not supported on download is skipped, and a message is displayed to indicate that this DELMIA instruction is not supported by the DENSO PAC language. This is done so that the generated file will be a valid DENSO task.

In DELMIA, the label is defined on a specific instruction. In Denso, a label is itself an instruction.


Denso GoSub calls a subroutine specified by the label. In Denso, both Goto and GoSub use a label. The subroutine starts with its label and ends with a "RETURN" DENSO instruction.

A DELMIA Condition instruction is translated into an IF.
A custom instruction text is downloaded into the program exactly as is. On upload, any unsupported instruction is created as a custom instruction, with the name of the custom instruction being the DENSO instruction's text.
Not supported.
Run (procedure)

A DELMIA Wait (FALSE) Timeout instruction is translated as a DENSO DELAY instruction.

A DELMIA Wait (input) Timeout instruction is translated as a DENSO WAIT. Timeout is included in the WAIT as a T=<timeout>. For upload, an input variable named IO<port> of type integer will be created and the port number set. For download, if a Wait condition has an input integer or Boolean with port number set (i.e. input1:=1), a WAIT will be output.

Robot Motion
The following are DENSO standard robot motion commands. The table below provides basic information on the level of support for different motion options.
MOVE [P/L/C], [@E/@P/@0~99] <target>, [S=0~100/ACCEL=0~100/DECEL=0~100]
DENSO Motion Option Support Level DELMIA Equivalent Description Translation Notes
MOVE P, MOVE L, MOVE C Supported Joint, Linear, Circular motion type
@E/P/0~99 Supported Accuracy Accuracy profile If ignored, it is processed as @0, which is the default value, when the robot moves in the end movement
Target Supported target J[1] P[2] (x,y,z,Ya,[P,R,]config) J2P(j1,j2,j3,j4[,j5,j6]) for 4-axis and 6-axis
Speed/S Supported speed Speed value Speed value is percent.
ACCEL Supported acceleration Accel value Accel value is percent.
DECEL Supported deceleration Decel value Decel value is percent.
Arc Welding
Not supported.

Controller Parameters

The DENSO Controller Parameters are set under the motion controller. Below are the parameters.

Parameter Measure Purpose Default Value
CommentWaitSignal Boolean On all controllers and used to treat all Wait signal instructions during upload as custom instructions. False
DownloadTargetType String On all controllers and used to download all JOINT or CARTESIAN targets regardless of target type used in the task.
ProgramFileEncoding String On all controllers this parameter is used to set the encoding used in the robot program. (i.e. Shift-JIS)
RailGroup String This parameter determines which auxiliary axes values in the downloaded/uploaded program will map to RailTrackGantry. Two formats can be used. First is to set the starting axes number for all RailTrackGantry axes. Second is to use a comma delimited value with the axes numbers for each aux. axes 1;6 would put the first rail axes into target aux. axes value 1 and the second rail axes into aux. axes value 6.

[1] RCM7, RC8, and PAC are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks of Denso or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and in other countries.